Magical Weight Loss & Inner Peace Group Coaching Experience - Letter From Tim

A personal letter from Tim Shurr that reveals why this program IS the answer to your prayers, if you've been struggling with weight loss, type 2 diabetes, or low self-confidence.

"Why Can't I Lose Weight? It's Like I'm Fighting My Own Brain!" 

 “It happened again! I had the best intentions. I was going to stop eating sugar and get this weight off starting first thing in the morning. But when I woke up, my motivation was gone and my cravings felt stronger than ever! Instead of losing weight, I gained 5 pounds! 

Why does this keep happening to me? It’s like I’m fighting my own brain.” 
Sound familiar?
You know you could be in better shape or make better choices when it comes to taking care of yourself. You want to feel good in your own body and have the health and vitality to live life on your terms!
So why hasn’t this happened for you yet? Admit it, this isn’t the first time you’ve tried to lose weight, is it? When is it your turn? When do YOU finally get to succeed?
I bet you've tried lots of diets over the years, but didn't get OR keep the results, right?
Are you addicted to sugar or have difficulty avoiding chocolate or junk food?
Maybe you eat pretty healthy, but just too much food or you can't make yourself exercise...
Most think "That's why I can't lose weight." 
BUT what if I told you that's NOT the reason!
Keep reading and I'll tell you what's actually interfering with your weight loss success and how to quickly get into a thinner, more energetic body without struggling or dieting again...EVER!

"I Need An Entirely New Approach That Addresses The "HEAD" Part Of Losing Weight!"

My name is Tim Shurr and I've run some of the world's most successful Hypnosis Practices for over 2 1/2 decades.

During this time, I've personally helped thousands of lifelong dieters finally lose the weight that's haunted them for years, while profoundly improving their quality of life!
My clients experienced extraordinary BREAKTHROUGHS when nothing else had worked for them! And they had FUN getting results!
YOU CAN TOO! I'll help you use the power of your mind to create your life by design so you can start living healthy 
& happy now!

"I Know What To Do. 
I Just Can't Get Myself To Do It!"

"I was in a full binge! I went straight to the grocery store candy isle and grabbed handfuls of chocolate bars. Then I went to the frozen section and got a whole gallon of my favorite ice cream. I kept going from isle to isle filling my cart with junk! I didn't want to do it, but I felt like I couldn't stop. 
I was so embarrassed that I actually bought a birthday balloon so the lady checking me out would think all this stuff was for a party. I threw the bags into the car, then stared at the balloon floating in my backseat, and I started sobbing. I cried all the way home, but even that didn't stop me from making a huge tray full of snacks. 
I tried to numb the pain by eating myself sick. I'm at my wit's end. If you can't help me, I don't know what I'm going to do. I've tried everything to stop eating sugar, but nothing has worked! This is my last resort..."

I've been stories like this, and many other painful ones from clients over the last 23 years of helping people lose weight and break free from sugar compulsion. There are all sorts of reasons that trigger sugar binges. Loneliness, an argument with a spouse, a tough day at work, bad memories from the past, etc. 
I chose to share this story about my client with the ballon because of what triggered her out-of-control binge. This is what she shared with me...

I think what triggered my binge was the new diet I had began 48 hours earlier. I've desperately wanted to lose weight for a long time, but I couldn't seem to get the results I wanted fast enough to keep me motivated. I heard about this new diet everybody was raving about that "got fast results." But I soon discovered the catch was you can't eat sugar or white flour for two weeks. 
I read testimonials from others who said it was definitely a struggle, but the weight did come off fast. When I learned the ultimate goal was to stay off sugar forever, I have to tell you, just the thought of never having sugar again almost gave me a panic attack!
But I knew something had to change so I decided to try this diet. The first day was incredibly difficult and I tried to sleep as much of it away as possible. By the next day, instead of feeling stronger, I actually felt more depressed, and that scared me. By dinner time, I was downright angry!
I kept having flashbacks of my mom teasing me about my weight and shoving fruit in front of me during my birthday, when everyone else ate MY birthday cake! I think it was the combination of rebellion towards my mother and feeling so horrible that this voice in my head finally said, "Screw it! If eating sugar makes you feel that happy, just go do it and get it over with!" I felt like I was being tortured and that's when I snapped."

"Is It Possible That Diets Are Keeping 
People From Losing Weight?"

I've always been captivated with how some people are able to control their thoughts, feelings and behaviors, while others are not. 

These days, people see me on TV or the Internet and think, "Sure, it's easy for you to achieve goals Tim. You're so positive!" 
That couldn't be farther from the truth. I grew up riddled with anxiety and have had a lot of personal struggles in life. 
These struggles set me on a path that would eventually evolve into a passion for helping people end insecurity and replace our deepest fear that "I'm not good enough" with more self-love and acceptance. 
My passion for helping people lose weight and live healthier definitely intensified from losing both of my grandfather's to Type 2 Diabetes. 
To this day, I'm still driven to help as many people as possible to break free from the mental programming that keeps our self-destructive habits in play.
When first learning how to help people lose weight, I did what everyone else was doing. I studied every diet on the market searching for that "magic formula" for losing 30lbs in 7 days like the grocery store magazines promised. 
But over time, I realized there was a BIGGER problem with the "weight loss industry," and nobody was saying anything about it!
The 1st mistake is that dieting is "externally focused." This means we are looking outside ourselves for 
the solutions
Instead of changing our mindset and beliefs around food and developing a more empowering set of life skills, we try to cut calories, join exercise bootcamps, purchase expensive supplements, or freeze the fat off our belly's. 
Some even undergo extreme weight loss surgeries that do nothing to change the mental programming that led to the obesity in the first place. 
These procedures often create unexpected side effects and can lower one's quality of life, which is the exact opposite of what was intended.
The 2nd mistake I discovered was that dieting causes more pain than pleasure. Since one of your brain's primary modes of survival is the avoidance of pain, you literally are "fighting your own brain" when trying to diet. To your brain, diets = pain, which is why they never last! 
The 3rd mistake is that diets rely on "willpower" and "motivation." For years, clients would say, "I just can't get motivated." So I would get them totally motivated to go out there and conquer the world...and they would...for a couple of days a few or weeks. 
But then they'd eventually call in saying, "I think it stopped working..." or "It wore off and my cravings seem worse than ever!"
That's when I realized that you can Consciously (logically) get yourself motivated for a short period of time, but eventually your Unconscious (emotional) programming will kick in and take over
So I started emotionally conditioning my clients over a longer period of time (typically 4+ months), and that's when my clients saw dramatic changes in their mindset and habits, which led to exciting, sustainable weight loss results!

"My name is Doreen and as a nurse, I worked long hours and had a lot of stress. Food was comfort for a long time, but one day I looked in the mirror and couldn't believe I had let my weight get so out of control. 
I starting hearing radio commercials where all these women were losing weight using Tim's program. I was skeptical, but I figured I'd give it a try. I've been a dieter from way back, so I was glad this approach was different.
Since then, I've lost 55LBS and my husband lost 30LBS just from listening to Tim's audio programs. I still don't understand why it works so well, but it does and I'm very happy with the results!"  


"Are We Being Brainwashed To Eat Junk Food?"

As I spent more time working with the Unconscious (emotional) Mind of my clients, I made another more STARTLING discovery!
Our brains have been systematically conditioned (or "hypnotized") to associate junk food (sugary, salty, processed foods) with pleasure, comfort and celebration by major food marketing corporations! 
Fast food restaurants that sell 1,100 calorie milkshakes don't care if you have a heart attack, stroke, or get Type 2 Diabetes. 
They are driven to make profits at the public's (you, your kids & grandkids) expense!
We've seen this happen before with cigarettes. Remember not so long ago when everybody smoked? It was the cool thing to do. 
Many doctors were even led to believe that smoking might be good for you. I remember seeing people smoke in hospital rooms growing up in the 70's.
I hate to admit it, but I remember buying my dad a carton of cigarettes for Father's Day because that's what you did back then. 
But WHY did everyone smoke? Because BIG tobacco corporations spent millions of dollars annually in advertisements that emotionally conditioned us to believe smoking was cool (Joe Cool, Marlboro Man, pictures of the "Rat Pack" puffing away as they laughed in their tuxedo's. Of course, you have to be a certain age to know who I'm even referring to.)
It hasn't been until the last decade where smoking has suddenly become "uncool." And this has only happened because public safety organizations like have heavily invested in TV and billboard advertisements that remind us 6 million people die annually because of smoking!
Of course, that hasn't stopped BIG tobacco companies because now they are hooking our children with vaping and jules. These are gateway techniques designed to move younger generations into becoming their future buyers.
Do I sound like a conspiracy nut?  I kind of wish I was...
Actually, I am a highly-trained professional hypnotist and an award-winning expert whose "superpower" is influencing human behavior
In other words, I've been hypnotically persuading people to behave in desirable ways for the last 27 years. So I can spot someone whose trying to manipulate others from a mile away!
The good news is I work for God and use my talents to influence people to improve their quality of life, health and happiness. 
Through my intensive training, I've also learned the tricks "the other side" are using to negatively influence people
So when I tell say you are being heavily persuaded at a Subconscious level by BIG food marketing companies, you can take that right to the bank!
But don't just take my word for it. PAY ATTENTION to your surroundings. 
          ✔️ How many fast food advertisements do you think you're exposed to (radio, TV, billboard, Fast food restaurants, Internet ads) each day?
          ✔️ When you sit back in a comfortable position at night and focus on the greatest hypnotist in the world (your own television set), what kind of commercials (hypnotic suggestions) are you repeatedly shown (exposed to) besides car dealerships? 
          ✔️ Do you suddenly feel like you need something to nibble on while watching TV? Still think this is a coincidence?
          ✔️ Do you believe the more sugar, butter and salt food has on it, the better it tastes? (Did you know you only have to over-season and saturate foods that your body wouldn't allow you to swallow otherwise?)
Did you know 1 out of every 4 Americans is obese and that number is rising! There are 320 million Chinese who now have Type 2 Diabetes since adopting our Western eating lifestyle. 

"My name's Dan and I had wanted to lose weight for a long time, but was addicted to sugar. My knees hurt all the time and I knew something had to change. Since doing this program, I've dropped 40LBS, regained my stamina, and I have the energy to play with my grandkids!"

"Is Sugar Addiction Real, Or Is It All In My Head?"

Not only have BIG food marketing corporations been  EMOTIONALLY addicting us to food, they've been trying to physically addict us to their products as well, just like cigarette companies!

Jump on Netflix sometime and watch the documentaries that are being made about this subject. You'll be SHOCKED to learn just how much money is spent on chemicals, preservatives, additives, and food coloring that cause cravings for these items in the human body.
The only GOOD NEWS is that "sugar addiction" (based on my decades of freeing people from it) is more emotional than physical for most people, and it can be quickly broken when using the MIND TOOLS I'll be sharing with you shortly!
YES, there's definitely a strong physical component. It is NOT "all in your head!" The physical cravings are real and a small percentage of people react to sugar the same way those with alcoholism react to alcohol. Once it's in your system, you feel completely powerless over the desire for more.

Allow me break down what's actually been happening in your brain all these years...

Eating large amounts of sugar over several decades makes it harder for your brain to absorb Dopamine, one of the prime hormones responsible for experiencing pleasure
Thus, you have to consume higher and higher doses of sugar to experience the "comfortably numb" or euphoric sensations that we used to quickly get from eating candy as kids. This is what sets up physical bingesIt's your brain!
At the same time, we are also living in a stressful world where poor nutrition, no exercise, and a lack of sleep are putting a constant drain on your mind and body. 
This releases higher than normal levels of Cortisol (a stress hormone) in the body, which causes us to store fat rather than burning it up. 
Cortisol also stops the release of Leptin, the hormone that tells your brain to STOP EATING and go for a walk. Leptin is naturally released when you eat healthy foods like bananas or apples. 
Have you ever sat down and had 5 bananas or a whole bag of apples? No, because foods produced by nature release leptin and shut down your appetite.
But, genetically altered "man-made foods" like potato chips, have been designed to turn off leptin, so you can't stop eating them! 
Have you ever ate a whole bag of chips or downed an entire bag of cookies? Now you know why your brain isn't telling you to's been programmed not to! 

"My name is Virginia and after retiring & menopause, I started packing on the pounds! I kept telling myself I was too old to discipline myself to diet and exercise anymore. I would try to exercise for a while, but always gave up. I was tired, my knees hurt, my back hurt, my feet hurt, etc. I just couldn’t get motivated to stay with it.
When I started buying size 16 pants I became so disgusted with myself. I tried diet drinks, pills, and other weight loss products. Nothing worked! After doing this program, I’m back into a size 10! Exercise invigorates me and eating the right foods at the right times has become a daily habit. This program is amazing and I recommend it to everyone. If I can do it, you can too!"

"It's Not Your Fault.
The Whole Approach Is Messed Up!"

When my clients began realizing the struggles they experienced had nothing to do with being weak willed or not wanting it bad enough, it relieved a lot of pressure. It's no accident that there's a 99% failure rate for those trying to lose weight each year!
 “For years, my clients had believed the problem was "them" and when they learned their approach was broken and they were continually being sabotaged by their own environment, they were finally able to break free and start getting the results they deserved.

I completely switched the approach and got all my clients to immediately STOP DIETING. Then I focused on helping people develop an "inner sense of control." (One of my favorite quotes is, "You'll never go without if you learn to go within.")
Then I started upgrading my clients self-limiting beliefs and emotionally conditioned (hypnotized) them with a healthier set of neuro-associations. In other words, "trained their brain" to crave health food, water and fitness.
Next, we focused on lowering stress and sleeping more soundly at night. We also resolved emotional blocks or wounds from the past, which many have said was even more rewarding and empowering than the weight loss!

 Don't Take My Word For It. Look At What 
Upgrading Your Mindset Has Done For Others...

"My name is John and when I retired from the Fire Department, I started putting on weight. I enjoy eating and just didn't feel like putting in the effort to lose the weight. 

However, this program changed my mindset. You still have to do the work. Nobody can do that for you. But this program makes it a whole lot easier!
I've lost 85 lbs and all around, I'm enjoying life much more now!"  
"My name is Clola I've struggled with my weight for a long time. It made me very unhappy and diet's just didn't seem to work for me or 
my husband Ron.  

It felt like we were sitting on the side-line watching our lives go by. We just didn't have the energy to move around, my confidence was 
shot, and hated feeling like I was the "old grandma." 
Since we started Tim's weight loss program, I've lost 40 lbs and Ron lost 30 lbs. Did I mention that we are in our early 70's. Now I laugh when people say they are too old to lose weight.
We get compliments all the time and I love every minute of it! We also have more energy to participate in activities with our family instead 
of sitting back in a lawn chair all day. 
I think this program would be wonderful for anyone who hasn't had good results with dieting and want a better way."
When I first started your program, I was hopeful but skeptical. It sounded too good to be true. But it's working and I'm so excited! I'm losing weight, a lot of weight, and everything is going well. But what I didn't expect was for the cravings to completely disappear! 
I used to drive by the Dairy Barn and I couldn't resist pulling in and getting something. But now I drive right on by and I don't even think about it. And I have a lot more energy. I just to be so tired. I'd just come home and sit on the couch all night. But now I'm up and moving around, and I've gotten so much more organized!
I'm also sleeping really well! I used to toss and turn all night, but now I'm sleeping right through the night and I feel so refreshed in the morning. I'm really happy with my weight loss. This has just been such an amazing experience." Peggy Purvis
"My name is Kathleen and I've lost 154 LBS using Tim's program! I struggled my whole life with feelings of unworthiness and I came to Tim to see if he could help me be a 'happy fat person.' 
Instead, Tim showed me how to reconnect with my true self and to love and accept myself fully for the first time. When that happened, the struggles with sugar seemed to disappear!
Since then, my whole life has changed. I have more energy and confidence then ever before and it's because of Tim's wonderful program. Yes, it's for weight loss. But it goes way beyond anything I ever learned from all the dieting in the past.
If you are ready to experience real transformation, join Tim's program! It literally saved my life. 


"I've Discovered The Weight Loss Code
Now I Want To Share It With YOU!"

After 24 years and thousands of Hypnosis coaching sessions, I've finally discovered the REAL SECRETS to lasting weight loss success...BUT then I ran into another obstacle. How am I going to get this vital information out to the world? 
For most of my career, I worked with one person at a time. Sure, I've been on stages across the country teaching "Mind Mastery" strategies, but I've never focused on sharing my weight loss secrets with the general public...until now! 
New advances in technology allows you and I to connect online through your Smartphone, computer, tablet, etc., for "LIVE" coaching, without you having to jump on a plane, drive to my office, or even leave your home!
FINALLY...there are no more excuses for you and I not to create the same kind of breakthroughs and transformations that thousands of others have experienced from going through the experiences I've perfected...
I've got a NEW class coming up and YOU need to be a part of it! I don't know how else to describe to you how LIFE CHANGING this experience is. If you've watched the free online training and have now read this letter, what else could be stopping you?
The only thing is fear. I've even created a smaller payment option to make this feasible for you. ALAS, if you're still not convinced this will be a spectacular experience that will definitely create momentum and results in your life, let's talk through it.
Here is a link to my calendar! Schedule a free 15-minute telephone consultation and together we can figure out if this is a right fit for you. If not, that's ok. Perhaps there's something else that might work better for you. Only one way to find out, right?
Thanks so much for reading and I look forward to helping you turn your biggest goals and DREAMS into a reality this year!
Tim Shurr, MA
(877) 944-HOPE

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