Tim Shurr's Most Popular "Mind-Training" Weight Loss Course!

Gain FULL ACCESS to the Lose Weight Easier Now "Body Transformation" course today! No more struggling with willpower or torturing yourself with fad diets that leave you feeling bad or guilty! With this unique mind-conditioning system, you'll feel more focused and motivated than ever before!

Tim's unique style of "neuro-shifting" blends hypnotic suggestion with powerful peak performance technology to help you comfortably replace the beliefs and unhealthy habits that continually prevent you from having the energetic body you desire!

  • 16 pre-recorded Coaching Video Sessions that will help you form healthy habits so you can lose weight and keep it off for good! (New Sessions Just Added!)
  • 15 powerful "Brain-Training" audio sessions (New Session Added!)
  • Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind E-Book
  • The Cure for Self-Sabotage E-Book
  • The Rebel's Guide To Losing Weight Audiobook
  • Super Secrets For Weight Loss Audiobook
  • Accountability Resource Kit
  • Foods That Burn Fat - Special Report
  • Free Email Support
  • 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

This Unique Course "Trains Your Brain" To Lose Weight & Keep It Off! It's Different From Anything You've Tried Before!


The Lose Weight Easier Now "Mind-Training" course is a superior approach to having a healthy, attractive figure! No pills, points, prepackaged meals, dangerous surgeries, or killing yourself at the gym. When you transform your mental attitude, your body and life will transform as well!

None of the diets out there do an effective job of addressing the "head part" (mental) of losing weight.  Let's face it, you already know WHAT to do, you just aren't doing it, right? That's because you've been conditioned (mentally programmed) by your family, culture, church, and food marketers to EAT, EAT, EAT! We eat when we are happy, sad, angry, bored, and to celebrate. And if you live in cold weather climate, you eat even more!


 "Diet pills, info-mercial exercise equipment, and lap-band surgeries do NOT change mental habits! If you want a healthy, energetic body, you must THINK as a healthy, energetic person. Because this is the last area dieters focus on, 80% will lose weight and then gain it ALL back within a year! It's heart-breaking. I lost both grandfathers to Type 2 Diabetes and my mother-in-law went blind from it. That's why I created this program. It puts an end to Type 2 Diabetes and puts you back in control almost immediately!"
- Tim Shurr, MA, Founder of Lose Weight Easier Now - "Body Transformation"


If you want TOTAL SUCCESS, strengthen your inner mindset! Neglect to improve your beliefs and subconscious habits, and you're dieting efforts will continue to fall short. Why would anyone expect to reach their weight loss goals "this time" using the same old approach that has FAILED over and over again? Hoping it will work out somehow is NOT an effective strategy!

Hundreds of clients have experienced positive results using this brain-training system! Thus, we designed a home weight reduction course so more people could stop the endless suffering and start finally seeing results! You'll receive our complete program loaded with videos, audios, and written materials specially created to improve your body, and life, by strengthening your mental muscles!

Through fun, enlightening training videos and deeply relaxing mental-conditioning audio sessions, you'll begin eating healthier, feeling satisfied faster on less food, and enjoying fitness. This will result in YOU feeling more energized and enthusiastic about your body transformation program.

The #1 reason people give up or lose motivation is because they unconsciously associate PAIN to their goal! If you've ever procrastinated or allowed yourself to get repeatedly distracted rather than following through on your good intentions, now you know why. Your brain thinks losing weight is PAINFUL, so it tries to protect you by going in the opposite direction.

This is why so many feel like they've tried EVERYTHING to lose weight, but nothing works. Your brain literally won't let it work! The only way to truly lose weight and maintain your new, healthy figure is through convincing your brain that healthy eating and fitness are PLEASURABLE activities.


Body Transformation uses videos and audio programs to accomplish this goal for you! Weight loss and motivation expert, Tim Shurr, MA, has created a process called "neuro-shifting." Neuro means "brain," so it's literally shifting the way your brain views weight loss. If you're like most who struggle with losing weight, your brain associates massive pleasure to eating and massive pain to exercise, which makes it near IMPOSSIBLE to drop weight or keep it off!

This explains why smart people, who are often very successful in other aspects of their lives, would go on neglecting their health, even with the high risks of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Your brain will get what it wants, which is why we need to get your brain craving health more than anything else--now!

Through customized neuro-shifting lessons, your brain will naturally and comfortably begin associating pleasure to eating healthy. You'll consume smaller portions and move your body more regularly through enjoyable fitness routines because you WANT to, which is the key to sustainable results!

These lessons are 100% safe because relaxation and positive affirmations are used to influence you in a positive way. What makes this program so powerful is the way we use affirmations and peak performance strategies. This isn't some cheap self-hypnosis download. These are high-performance mind improving coaching sessions facilitated by one of the world's most successful mind trainer's!



"I've lost over 60 lbs using Tim's program! I had always struggled in the past and needed a new approach that would help me stay motivated. This program made it so much easier and I feel great. Thanks Tim!" Ron Rafeil

  "As a nurse, I worked 12 hour shifts, and it 
    always felt so hard to find the time to eat right
    or exercise. Yet, through Tim's program, I found
    myself having a whole new attitude. Old excuses
    faded away and now I'm down 54 lbs! I'm a
   dieter from way back, so if this can work for me, 
   it can work for anyone!" Doreen Hall


"When I first started using Tim Shurr's program I was seriously overweight. Then I started listening to a series of hypnosis/relaxation audios which I religiously listened to every day. Since then I've lost 60 lbs, but what is even more amazing is I have acquired a new way of dealing with stressful negative emotions that are much more constructive. I no longer turn to food to escape painful feelings. The best way I can explain it is, I still have my emotions but they no longer drive me into negative behaviors. The food I eat is healthy and enjoyable. Overeating is no longer an option for me. Mr. Shurr's Body Transformation program required a commitment to wellness on my part, but because the positive results started almost immediately, I was truly inspired to keep going with them. In fact, I knew right away I'd made the right decision after listening to the first session. I hope many more will benefit as much as I have and I know they will if they give it a serious try!"  Kathleen Dinsmore








  • Reduce Or Eliminate Cravings
  • Enjoy Healthier Foods
  • Comfortably Manage Portions
  • Have Fun With Fitness
  • Reduce Stress & Anxiety
  • Stimulate Your Metabolism
  • Lower Your "Set Point"
  • Stay Motivated and Focused
  • Build Strong Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Develop Mental Toughness
  • Eliminate Self-Sabotage
  • Know What To Eat and What To Avoid
  • Learn How To Handle The Critics
  • Improve Your Sleep
  • Develop A More Effective Plan
  • Discover Ways To Set & Achieve Goals Easier
  • Feel Full & Satisfied On Less Food
  • Overcome Comfort Foods and Bingeing
  • Break The Evening Cocktail Habit
  • Improve Your Energy and Vitality

And More...


There are also surprise BONUS programs and E-Books included in your program that you won't find anywhere else! This is a wonderful stand-alone coaching system for anyone whose struggled with getting into great shape!

Your Success Coach, Tim Shurr, MA, has spent 23 years helping hundreds of people lose thousands of pounds through his "mental training" system. You'll be enlightened, entertained, and transformed through his guidance, wisdom, and powerful strategies for making your life a Shurr ! Success.



The Lose Weight Easier Now -
"Body Transformation" Course Includes:





The Thinner You - Creates within you a strong desire to eat, move, and act in ways that inspire your body to let go of unwanted pounds.

I Am A Resourceful Person - Empowers you with mental strategies for making great choices in any situation. Feel in control and make choices that leave you feeling proud, instead of guilty. Small, positive choices made over a sustainable period of time leads to amazing results!

Full and Satisfied - Helps you feel less hungry and more satisfied on smaller portions. Also helps you crave more "energy-creating" foods while making sugary snacks seem dull and boring. You'll skip the junk with ease because you just won't care for it anymore.


I Love Exercise! - Intensify your desire for fitness and get an incredible dopamine rush of happiness as you bring physical movement into your daily routine. When you exercise in the right way, you'll enjoy more energy throughout the day and you'll sleep better at night. Sleeping well is a BIG key to reaching your ideal weight!

The Fabulous Me - Boost your self esteem, confidence, and self-image with these wonderful affirmations. Feeling good about yourself is essential for long-term results. The more you believe in yourself, the better results you'll get and the easier the entire process will be!

No More Cravings! - Imagine being able to turn off all those terrible cravings for sugar, carbs, and salt! This program empowers you with several unique and extremely effective strategies for reducing and eliminating cravings of all kinds. Even helps to curb that nightly glass of wine, if that's one of the things holding you back from shedding belly fat.

Ending Self-Sabotage - Learn how to use your imagination to your full advantage! Self-sabotage is the #1 cause of failure when it comes to reaching any goal. Discovering how to set yourself up for success is essential for short and long-term success. This program will help you prevent self-sabotage AND teach you simple mind tricks for reducing stress, staying motivated, and keeping focused during each step of your journey.


"Lose Weight Now" Affirmations For The Road! This is a very popular affirmations program you can listen to while driving. Play it in the background while you're at home for even greater results. The more your brain absorbs the positive messages, the more natural and effortless it will be to make healthy choices!

New Behavior Generator - This session helps you replace old, unwanted habits with more empowering behaviors that become automatic and natural over time. Making healthier food choices, eating less, and eating at the right times will feel normal and desirable. This is a great program if you're struggling to overcome bad habits!

Stress Reliever - Completely melt away tension and worry while refreshing your mind and body! When you're stressed, it causes your body to release cortisol, which is a hormone that causes your body to store fat. Listening to this audio program will eliminate that stressful, overwhelmed feeling and help your body to shed those unwanted pounds!

Jumpstart Your Day! - This exciting 10-Minute session will have you feeling pumped up, energized, and ready for action. Listen to it first thing in the morning or on a lunch break and you'll feel mentally and physically refreshed, renewed, and revitalized!

Body Sculpting - This session takes you through a "mental liposuction" treatment. As you imagine your body undergoing a "beauty transformation," your desire to act in ways that will make this "inner picture" a reality will become intensified. What you think about, comes about, so create your ideal body in your mind and watch as your body transforms!

Powerful Motivation (Brain Software) - If procrastination gets in your way, listen to this mind-conditioning audio program and you'll feel motivated and ready for action!

Incredible Self-Esteem (Brain Software) - Everyone should be given a copy of this program at birth. It will help you cultivate strong feelings of self-love, acceptance and appreciation. If you've struggled with feeling good about yourself, listen to this program right away!

Sound Sleep (Brain Software) - If you have insomnia or trouble staying asleep, or if you wake up feeling exhausted, listen to this amazing audio program tonight! It will quiet your mind and allow your body to get much needed sleep, so you wake up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed! It's near impossible to lose weight if you're not getting good sleep.


This system is incredible! It's the missing ingredient that will finally help you create the health, vitality, and beauty you desire. Yet, because you have likely struggled with achieving this goal in the past, you're also going to receive a couple EXTRA programs to MAXIMIZE your success!



"Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind!" Ebook. This program offers self-hypnosis sessions, additional insights, and powerful strategies to compliment the audio portion of your weight loss system.




 The Cure for Self-Sabotage E-Book which help you develop an unstoppable attitude by revealing the most common types of self-sabotage and the secrets for harnessing the FULL POWER of your mind so you can achieve your goals faster and easier!



The Rebel's Guide To Losing Weight (Audiobook) is a hilarious approach to losing weight for those who describe themselves as stubborn or rebellious. Go ahead, do the exact opposite of what you're being told to do in this amusing audiobook by author, Tim Shurr, MA, and watch as the pounds melt away!



Super Secrets To Weight Loss (Audiobook)
If you like detailed instructions and specific information on what to eat and how to move your body for maximum results, this audiobook is for you! It discusses how to lower your "set point," by adjusting your internal fat thermostat. Lots of science and helpful insights for helping you create a body you're proud of!



Accountability Resource Kit!
Along with the video lessons and mind-conditioning audio programs, you'll receive various PDF handouts that reinforce a variety of topics and insights. These handouts include:

  • Weekly Weight Loss Tips
  • Attitude Self-Assessment
  • Body Transformation Progress Report


Foods That Burn Fat - This Special Report provides insights into foods that seem to boost metabolism and digestive functioning, making it easier for your body to shed those unwanted pounds!


Take advantage today! It's an incredible amount of knowledge and education for the price, and if you're not fully satisfied, return it for a full refund. We stand behind our 60-Day Money Back, Zero Risk Guarantee!




Many people have been let down by the billion dollar weight loss industry and it's led to

1. What if the program doesn't work?

2. What if the program does work, but I let myself down?

3. What if I get this program and don't use it?


This program was built to OVERCOME all three of those challenges! Any weight loss diet would work if people followed through with them. Yet, because most diets are not realistic, painful, or they don't fit into a normal person's routine, people give up on them.

If you're concerned that YOU won't follow through, that's what the mind-conditioning (neuro-shifting) sessions are for. NO MORE STRUGGLING! Make getting results more fun and enjoyable than ever before!

The instructional video lessons will help you ELIMINATE SELF-SABOTAGE before it begins, saving you loads of time, energy, and frustration! They are short, entertaining, and packed full of useful insights!

We want you to be truly happy, and if you apply what you'll learn in our system, you will finally see the results you've been looking for. Nothing will change unless you take action so claim this program and your free bonus items today! You'll be glad you did...


Once you purchase this program, you'll be directed to a page where you create a user name and password. From there, you'll be able to access the "Membership" site. This is the private webpage where all the videos, mind-conditioning audio MP3's, E-Books, and Bonus materials are stored.

You will be able to view the videos and listen to the audio programs on any of your electronic devices. You can also download the audio lessons to your Smartphone, iPad, or computer so you have access at any time.


Legal & Testimonial Disclaimer
Individual results will vary. Testimonials represent experiences of those individuals and are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real, yet may not reflect the average woman's experience. None of our successful clients have been compensated for their testimonials. We cannot guarantee results, but only guarantee that if you are not satisfied, you may request a full refund within 30 days of purchase. All images and/or testimonials are © Shurr Success, Inc. The FTC requires that we clarify what a typical result is. In actuality, many people purchase programs and do nothing with them. This program is designed to help you apply what you've learned. Yet, we can make no promise that you will utilize this program or get weight loss results from it. Even if this program is utilized correctly, you still may not experience weight loss results. Shurr Success is an educational company that provides general health information and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.

Copyright 2020 - Shurr Success, Inc.

Body & Mind Transformation Hypnosis Course

Discover how to program your subconscious mind to live healthy, happy, and confident! Become thinner and improve your vitality with one of the world's top hypnotists, Tim Shurr, MA.       
